How To Write Killer Blog Titles
Want to grab people's attention? A killer blog title is where you demonstrate that your blog post is worth reading. Find out how to beautiful craft your blog titles ...

Is It OK To Swear and Use Slang in Your Marketing?
For businesses with a tangible personality, marketing with casual language, social references, and the right slang – and even swearing can make your brand relatable. Find out how far you can push the boundaries here…

How To Start a Blog (and why your small business should do it)
I wish I'd started blogging years ago. To avoid the same regret, here's a rundown and tips on how to start a blog. Now, ditch the barriers, go forth and blog about your small business.

It’s Official: Google Prefers Genuine Human Writing to AI-generated Content
For writers, bloggers, copywriters or DIY web designers, Google's Q1 2024 updated policy says it will prioritise human content over non-human content. In a world governed by so much technology and automation, with no sense of irony, genuinely human creativity is recognised as relevant by Big Tech.

Niche Businesses Should Ditch The Word ‘Authentic’
Screw running with the inauthentic flock. The word “authentic” is now an overused business buzzword. Its impact has become weightless and it barely registers with audiences. Remember “literally”? Ouch. Here’s a heap of alternative phrases to help you stand out…

Your About page is not about you. Here’s how to write a winner.
How to get yourself out of the way and write a killer About page. Your About page is a powerful sales tool. It will probably rank between the 3rd and 7th of your most visited pages, which indicates people are curious and picky about who they do business with…