The Meaning Of Literally And How Not To Use It
Blog, Writing Mel Barren Blog, Writing Mel Barren

The Meaning Of Literally And How Not To Use It

"Literally" is peppered into sentences with careless abandon, but calm down Word Nerds – the meaning of literally has morphed and maybe it’s not a hanging offence to use it for the sake of drama. The primary meaning of literally implies accuracy and exactness, so saying, "I literally died laughing" is inaccurate. No, you didn't literally die. Find out how and where to say literally…

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How To Write Website Copy That Doesn't Blow
Mel Barren Mel Barren

How To Write Website Copy That Doesn't Blow

Hello to non-copywriting founders, encore careerists and small business owners writing their own website copy. In mere seconds, your website copy has the power to keep people onside… or send them running to a competitor. Discover how to write website copy that resonates, and 7 deadly copywriting sins to watch out for. I've got your back, Ernest Hemingway, so let's go…

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